Tyson Rininger Spends Quality Time with Natural Underwater Beauties

“Very few people have ever been as close as I have,” explains Monterey Bay Aquarium’s photographer Tyron Rininger when I asked him how incredible his job is. He’s had some fascinating encounters with underwater creatures big and small and has a job that many photographers would envy. How many photographers can actually say that they’ve… Continue reading Tyson Rininger Spends Quality Time with Natural Underwater Beauties

Scientists film bizarre rare fish with transparent head and glowing tubular eyes

After that creepily gorgeous ginormous jellyfish, researchers of MBARI (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute) have caught on camera another incredible underwater creature. A barreleye fish is a fish with an entirely translucent head. And even more than that jellyfish, it scares me and amazes me at the same time. During a dive with our education and… Continue reading Scientists film bizarre rare fish with transparent head and glowing tubular eyes

Researchers Photograph Rare Fish That Sees Through its Own Head

The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) recently spotted an exceedingly rare find: a barreleye fish (Macropinna microstoma). This strange deep-sea dweller has a transparent head it sees through with its tubular eyes. MBARI uses a pair of remotely operated vehicles (ROV), the Ventana and the Doc Rickets, to survey the ocean at various depths.… Continue reading Researchers Photograph Rare Fish That Sees Through its Own Head

This underwater video of rare giant jellyfish is both magnificent and terrifying

Since only around 20% of the ocean has been discovered, there are still so many creatures we need to learn about. Some of them are beautiful, some are terrifying, and some are, strangely, both! The giant phantom jelly is in this last group, and I can’t get enough of looking at it. The rare jellyfish… Continue reading This underwater video of rare giant jellyfish is both magnificent and terrifying

Rare Photos of Giant Phantom Jellyfish from 3,200 Feet Under the Sea

Researchers from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) recently captured footage of a giant phantom jellyfish. Sightings are exceedingly rare, and this species has only been seen nine times over thousands of dives. The MBARI remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Doc Ricketts spotted what the Institute describes as a “billowing crimson curtain.” This giant phantom… Continue reading Rare Photos of Giant Phantom Jellyfish from 3,200 Feet Under the Sea

Printing Photos in His Hawaii Darkroom Brings Much Love to Mike Caputo

“I like having only 36 photos to go through,” says Mike Caputo when asked why he prefers analogue to digital for his photography work. Based in Hawaii for over two decades now, he enjoys being in complete control of his creative process, from shooting all the way to developing. From the looks of it, he… Continue reading Printing Photos in His Hawaii Darkroom Brings Much Love to Mike Caputo

Photographer Captures Stunning Up Close Photos of Massive Sharks

Photographer Euan Rannachan shares what it’s like to photograph majestic and dangerous sharks up-close, including an encounter with Brutus, a 1,500-pound great white shark. Rannachan is a California-based photographer whose great white shark photographs have been published across major news publications from Fox News, BBC, Newsweek, and others. Rannachan is also a co-founder of “Be… Continue reading Photographer Captures Stunning Up Close Photos of Massive Sharks