This underwater video of rare giant jellyfish is both magnificent and terrifying

Since only around 20% of the ocean has been discovered, there are still so many creatures we need to learn about. Some of them are beautiful, some are terrifying, and some are, strangely, both! The giant phantom jelly is in this last group, and I can’t get enough of looking at it. The rare jellyfish… Continue reading This underwater video of rare giant jellyfish is both magnificent and terrifying

Rare Photos of Giant Phantom Jellyfish from 3,200 Feet Under the Sea

Researchers from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) recently captured footage of a giant phantom jellyfish. Sightings are exceedingly rare, and this species has only been seen nine times over thousands of dives. The MBARI remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Doc Ricketts spotted what the Institute describes as a “billowing crimson curtain.” This giant phantom… Continue reading Rare Photos of Giant Phantom Jellyfish from 3,200 Feet Under the Sea