Introducing ‘PopFollows:’ Our favorite Instagram accounts to follow right now

Dan Bracaglia We love showcasing the work of others on PopPhoto. We also love looking at photographs in the wild, whether it be on social platforms or in real life. For in-person inspiration, you can always check out our monthly list of awesome photo exhibitions.  But for some virtual inspiration, we wanted to share a… Continue reading Introducing ‘PopFollows:’ Our favorite Instagram accounts to follow right now

Tyson Rininger Spends Quality Time with Natural Underwater Beauties

“Very few people have ever been as close as I have,” explains Monterey Bay Aquarium’s photographer Tyron Rininger when I asked him how incredible his job is. He’s had some fascinating encounters with underwater creatures big and small and has a job that many photographers would envy. How many photographers can actually say that they’ve… Continue reading Tyson Rininger Spends Quality Time with Natural Underwater Beauties

Printing Photos in His Hawaii Darkroom Brings Much Love to Mike Caputo

“I like having only 36 photos to go through,” says Mike Caputo when asked why he prefers analogue to digital for his photography work. Based in Hawaii for over two decades now, he enjoys being in complete control of his creative process, from shooting all the way to developing. From the looks of it, he… Continue reading Printing Photos in His Hawaii Darkroom Brings Much Love to Mike Caputo

Wild underwater photos captured by freedivers off the coast of South Africa

On one dive, I found a striped catshark wedged in a small cave. Curiously, a perfect strip of sand ran across its head. On reviewing a photo of the shark’s head, I realized that the line of sand was in fact the trail of another animal, a mollusk. These mollusks leave slime trails wherever they… Continue reading Wild underwater photos captured by freedivers off the coast of South Africa