Five tips for finding locations for your commercial photoshoots

According to research from Getty Images, home interiors account for almost 10% of popular visuals, further underscoring the importance of finding the right location in commercial lifestyle photography. With many of us spending more time at home than ever over the last two years, we’ve seen new trends emerge, from the rise in home offices… Continue reading Five tips for finding locations for your commercial photoshoots

How the pandemic forced me to shoot local and fall in love with my country again

It’s been two years since the coronavirus pandemic began. So much has happened over that time: the world has turned upside down, and so have we. Our lifestyles have changed to different extents, and each of us misses something we used to do all the time, and maybe even take for granted. What changed most… Continue reading How the pandemic forced me to shoot local and fall in love with my country again