These Pinhole Cameras are Great for the Experimental Photographer

The traditional photography world can totally be a bit boring. It’s easy to get into a creative rut. When that happens, I typically go for long exposures or look at lo-fi imagery. And trying something new makes all the difference. That’s exactly what we think you should do. Take a look at all these pinhole… Continue reading These Pinhole Cameras are Great for the Experimental Photographer

The Polaroid 600SE Was Called “The Best Instant Film Camera”

If there is anything out there that is easy to lust after, it’s the Polaroid 600SE. I mean, what’s not to love? They’re rangefinder cameras that can take various film formats and have sharp glass? More importantly, the camera is heavily supported by the hacked and modding community. You can take the dive in with… Continue reading The Polaroid 600SE Was Called “The Best Instant Film Camera”

This Nikon S3 Rangefinder Is a Special Limited Edition, and It’s Beautiful

There aren’t many of these cameras out there. For the record, the Nikon S series of cameras aren’t spoken about all that often. The reason why is because they’re super hard to get your hands on. Once you’ve got one, you’re not letting go of it for sure. And in the Rare Camera Store, we’ve… Continue reading This Nikon S3 Rangefinder Is a Special Limited Edition, and It’s Beautiful

This $1,800 Leica 50mm F2 Is One of the Best Leica Lenses

It’s hard to not like the Leica 50mm f2 Summicron-M lens. We’re not talking about the apochromatic version. Of course, there’s nothing like that magical Leica “pop” that an apochromatic lens gives. Instead, we’re zoning-in on the non-apochromatic version. Small, affordable, and filled with character. I mean, you don’t know bokeh until you see what… Continue reading This $1,800 Leica 50mm F2 Is One of the Best Leica Lenses