Why young people are embracing NFTs and crypto

According to a survey released by CNBC last year, almost half of Millennial millionaires have 25% or more of their wealth in crypto, with about half owning NFTs. By November, separate research from the Pew Research Center found that 31% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 said they’ve invested in, traded, or… Continue reading Why young people are embracing NFTs and crypto

GNARBOX’s Original Team Gone, Assets in Hands of Investors

GNARBOX is no longer operated by the people who founded and ran it for the last several years. According to Tim Feess, the company’s founder and former CEO, the original management team is no longer with the company and hasn’t been since November of 2021. Statement from the Former CEO of GNARBOX In a statement… Continue reading GNARBOX’s Original Team Gone, Assets in Hands of Investors