Sirui Venus 35mm t/2.9 Anamorphic Lens Review

Sirui’s 35mm full-frame anamorphic lens is a very interesting piece of equipment. While anamorphic lenses were previously the domain of cinema-focused lenses, Sirui’s Venus series blurs the line between cinema and still photography, in part because of the great selection of compatible mounts. Is it worth using an anamorphic on your mirrorless camera? How does… Continue reading Sirui Venus 35mm t/2.9 Anamorphic Lens Review

So, Your Autofocus Isn’t Good Enough for Wildlife Photography?

Partly as an experiment – and partly because I no longer have a copy of the Nikon Z9 – I recently took a lot of wildlife photos with my trusty Nikon Z7 for our upcoming Nikon Z 800mm f/6.3 review. The Z7 isn’t widely known as a camera for fast wildlife photography, and that’s an… Continue reading So, Your Autofocus Isn’t Good Enough for Wildlife Photography?

Why Shoot Large Format Film in a Digital World?

For most of 2021, my main camera for landscape photography wasn’t one of the newest high-resolution mirrorless cameras that I spend so much time writing about. Nor has it been an ol’ reliable DSLR. Instead, I’ve been using large format film cameras, especially a 4×5.

Nikon Z9 Wildlife Impressions: Libor Vaicenbacher

One of our readers, Libor Vaicenbacher, tested perhaps the first copy of the Nikon Z9 shipped to the Czech Republic and has sent us his initial impressions! We hope you enjoy this first look at the Z9 for wildlife photography, including full resolution NEF files for download.

Which Tamron Lenses Should Nikon Z Prioritize?

The recent, unexpected announcement of the Nikon Z 28-75mm f/2.8 – with identical optics as the Tamron G1 28-75mm f/2.8 – makes me wonder what’s next. Will Nikon and Tamron work together on any more Z-series lenses? If so, these are the lenses they should prioritize.

The Features That More Cameras Should Have

It’s easy to look at the impressive slate of cameras today and wonder what more they could possibly do. But there’s always room for improvement, which is why I’d like to go through some of the most useful features found on some – but not enough – cameras today.