Mobile Filmmaking: The Best Audio and Video Gear for Your Phone

Trying to make quality videos but don’t own a camera? Unleash the filmmaking potential of your phone with these top gear picks. One of the biggest obstacles in filmmaking is accessing the right gear. Gear is expensive, and it usually takes significant investments before you begin making returns from gigs. Before you head out to… Continue reading Mobile Filmmaking: The Best Audio and Video Gear for Your Phone

Boom Microphone vs. Lavalier: What’s the Best Recording Mic?

The first step to getting good audio is picking the right microphone. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of the boom mic and lavalier. If you have a production gig coming up, you’ve likely got your camera locked down and ready to go. Right? Everything is going to go flawless. Right? But, dear… Continue reading Boom Microphone vs. Lavalier: What’s the Best Recording Mic?