The Leica M Lens Guide: How to Pick the Right One for You

We’ve got some great news; we’ve reviewed every single Leica M-Mount lens currently offered! We’re incredibly excited to have done this. Along the way, we’ve all learned so much about Leica optics and even about ourselves as photographers. Leica M lenses help you move at two speeds: super fast or super slow. Sometimes, it’s a great idea to slow down. You make better photos. Without further adieu, we’re letting you dive into our Leica M Lens Guide. It’s complete with tips, naming conventions, tech specs, and blips from our full reviews. Plus, each lens featured here has a sample image from our reviews. All our reviews are done independently and according to our journalistic ethics — which adhere very close to what traditional magazines and newspapers have done. We hope it helps you find the right lens for you.