An End is Just Another Beginning

When was the last time you did something for the first time? Take a moment to think about Nicéphore Niépce in 1826, taking what is considered the world’s first photograph of a courtyard through a windowpane in his house. View from the Window at Le Gras, it’s called. Was he nervous, as he waited for hours, exposing a bitumen-coated plate in his camera obscura on his windowsill? Did his heart race a little, as he saw the photograph being developed in front of his eyes? Could he even fathom the impact his effort would have on the world—of photography as a scientific process and as a form of artistic expression? Since then, there have been an innumerable amount of firsts in the history of photography, brought to the world through the tireless efforts of hundreds of women and men.

But let’s take a look closer home, to you and me. We’re not inventors, just simple folk, who thrive on photography. But we have had very significant firsts too. How about the first time you picked up a camera? Your first assignment? Your first time being exhibited? The thing about firsts, is that they scare the heck out of the best of us. I remember how nervous I was when I reviewed my first camera at Better Photography. I was plagued by thoughts of not being good enough and of feeling like I was dealing with something that was too big for me to handle. But here’s something I know for sure—what intimidates you should not stop you from doing what you want to. Even if you fail, the fact that you tried is what matters. So I picked up that camera, hesitantly shot my first picture and years later, I have a bank of images I am really proud of.

Today, as I leave Better Photography and write my last edit note, waves of nostalgia hit me. I remember being a nervous wreck at the beginning of my tenure, of writing innumerable articles, being inspired by amazing photographers, of working with the most fantastic team. And I’m scared again, for what comes next. The difference is, now I know that being scared is a good thing. It could mean the start of something truly phenomenal.

You can reach me on Twitter and Instagram: @supaarwoman

This article originally appeared in the May 2016 issue of Better Photography.