Sun, camera, action: The ultimate guide to adventure photography

For as long as there have been cameras, photographers have been among the world’s most intrepid adventurers. More than one hundred years ago, Herbert Ponting and Frank Hurley embarked on voyages to Antarctica, braving inhospitable terrain few dared to explore. By the 1920s, an aviator by the name of Edith Keating was helping to pioneer… Continue reading Sun, camera, action: The ultimate guide to adventure photography

What is the blue hour? (and how to make the most of it)

While exploring the Bavarian Forest National Park one day, Kilian Schönberger happened upon this spooky sight: a carriage, straight from a fairytale, abandoned in the woods and reclaimed by nature. But the setting alone didn’t make the photograph; the pale cerulean light, eerie in the mist, transformed the landscape into a scene from a ghost… Continue reading What is the blue hour? (and how to make the most of it)